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Guide   Problem      Data   
 1. HiTransferTM AlSiC series

 HiTransferTM  AlSiC Based Material Properties   

Properties  AlSiC-7  AlSiC-9 AlSiC-11 
Thermal Conductivity (25°C) 
180  180  175 
CTE (25~125°C)  
7.2  9.3  11.2 
Density, g/cm3 3.01  2.93  2.89 
Young’s Modulus, GPa  195  175  172 
Flexural Strength, MPa  405  390  383 

2. AlSiC products design guidelines  
(1) Main features of AlSiC material  
l         Adjustable coefficient of thermal expansio: can well matched with semiconductor chip materials such as Si、GaAs、AlN;
l         High thermal conductivity: much higher than Kovar, can spread heat efficiently
l         Low density: much lower than W/Cu、Mo/Cu and Kovar, can greatly reduce weight
l         High specific Young’s Modulus: 4 times of Kovar and W/Cu, 2 times of Mo/Cu.
Comparison of properties of AlSiC and other thermal management materials
  AlSiC  Kovar  Cu/W(15/85)  Cu/Mo(15/85)  Copper  Al 
×10-6 /K
4.8-16 5.9 7.2 7 17 24
Thermal Cond.(W/m·K)  132-255 14 190 160 400 210
2.77-3.1  8.1  17  10  8.9  2.70 
38-108 16 16 28 5 26

 (2) Size and shape tolerance of machined AlSiC component  

 We can machine AlSiC components including plates and housings by means of various machenical methods such as milling, grinding, drill and EDM. The size and shape tolerance is as follows:
l         flatness: ³0.05mm (100mm)
l         size tolerance: ±0.02mm (max)
l         surface finish: ³1.6mm
l         hole diameter: F³0.3mm
l         internal radius: R³1.0mm
l         inside edge break radius: R³0.1mm
l         thread hole: M³3.0mm

thread hole   internal radius

3. Main features of Harvest technologies and products

 (1) high strength SiC preform preparation technique
By use of specially designed inorganic binder, the prepared SiC preform has a high strength up to 20MPa (three-point bending), which can withstand the high pressure during infiltration process.
(2) high reliable and efficient vacuum aid pressure infiltration technique
The process of aluminium molten liquid infiltrating into the porous SiC preform has been elaborately designed to achive high reliability and efficiency. The adoption of high vacuum and gas pressure technique makes the infiltrated AlSiC composites highly uniform, densified and strengthful.
(3) High precision machining technique
AlSiC components are machined using ordinary equipment, specially designed tools and optimized parameters. The size and shape tolerance can well meet the various types of packaging applications.
(4)High-quality AlSiC Cladding Technique
AlSiC surface can be electroless plated with Ni-P, Au coating which can meet the 400ºC, 10min, or 420ºC, 5min high-temperature test requirement.